Sandy Millar - Celebrant, End of Life Doula, & Coach

Sandy is a registered independent celebrant, an end-of-life doula, a seasoned coach and facilitator, and a passionate part-time photographer. She leads the business, and works closely with you, your family and whānau or team, to create the perfect ceremony or event.

Sam Hendrikse - Design Specialist

Sam’s role in the business is to provide technical support, and offer practical advice about design and layout of the website. A qualified landscape architect, Sam has a good grasp of Photoshop, Illustrator and other tools which can be used to enhance the service provided to our people.


Sofia Fourman - Design Specialist & Stylist

Sofia’s talent for drawing and creating beautiful designs is clear, with her development of my logo, rich in meaning and symbolism. She is also a stylist, with a practical knowledge of contemporary trends, and a strong social media presence. Like Sam, she’s a landscape architect, creating and growing beautiful spaces for the public to enjoy, as well as working tirelessly on their home garden.